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September 2024: Dongle manufacturer Wibu-Systems warns of security vulnerabilities

In the dongle licensing software "WibuKey Runtime" (by [ Wibu-Systems ] ), several security vulnerabilities have been fixed. We advise all users of our products

to update "WibuKey Runtime" to version 6.70 or newer.

"WibuKey Runtime 32/64 Bit" can be downloaded from [ WibuKey Runtime ] (alternatively: [ WIBU-User Software ] ).

Wibu-Systems has provided the following user information on its [ Security Advisories-Webpage ] :

[ Advisory WIBU-94453, CVE-2024-45181 base score 9.3, CVE-2024-45182 base score 8.2, last updated 2024-09-11 ]

You can request further information about the vulnerabilities from us: e-mail info@realthoughts.de

August 2024: COMPROTware:Library for Solaris 10 on SPARC

In recent months, we have ported components of our COMPROTware:Library to SPARC computers running the Solaris 10 operating system for a customer. Our first experiences with Solaris date back many, many years, and we have had and continue to have projects on this platform.

Are you looking for knowledge and experience with SPARC computers and the Solaris 10 operating system (SunOS 5.10)? We can deliver!
If you have any questions or would like more details about COMPROTware:Library for Oracle Solaris 10 on SPARC, please contact us: e-mail cplb@realthoughts.de

July 2024: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.24.1 released

The first COMPROTware:Testtool release this year is published and new is

  • Each Message in the Message Storage now has a Message Tag, a value between 0 and 255 that can be filtered. At the moment, Message Tag values are assigned after analysis while network monitoring, each TCP/IP connection receives its own Message Tag value.
  • The communication between RIO Client and RIO Server is expanded, among other things the known media/locations of the RIO Server are transmitted to the RIO Client.
  • We have made some corrections to ABB SPA-Bus.
  • Many minor improvements ...

For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.24 .

We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

November 2023: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.23.3 released

New with this COMPROTware:Testtool release:

  • CPTT 2.23.3 is adapted to and successfully tested with MS Windows 11 version 23H2.
  • We added the protocol IEC 62056-21 (formerly known as IEC 61107) for meter reading transmission, tariff and load control to CPTT.
  • CPTT runs on Linux with 64 bit distributions of Java 21, Java 17, Java 11 and Java 8.
  • Many minor improvements ...

For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.23 .

We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

September 2023: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.23.2 released

New with this COMPROTware:Testtool release:

  • Various extensions around TLS-secured TCP/IP connections and PKCS#12 files.
  • CPTT runs on 32 bit distributions of Java 17, Java 11 and Java 8.
  • MODBUS Function code 43 - Encapsulated Interface Transport mit MEI 14 - Read Device Identification is now dissected.
  • When dissecting MODBUS Messages, significantly more checks for valid no. of points, resulting end addresses, and much more implemented.
  • Many minor improvements ...

For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.23 .

We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

December 2022: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.22.5 released

At the end of the year we published another new COMPROTware:Testtool release. Main focus: TLS-secured TCP/IP connections according to IEC 62351-3.

  • The input and validation of PKCS#12 files has been completely revised. PKCS#12 files with certificate chains are now processed correctly.
  • The demo certificates for TLS-secured TCP/IP connections have been replaced: we now deliver 2 sets of certificates. The two documents Short introduction to TLS/ceritificates as PDF (approx. 120K) and Example with two certificate sets as PDF (approx. 90K) provide a brief introduction to TLS and describe the use of the demo certificates.
  • Unfortunately, we had some issues with the CPTT 2.22.4 adaption to MS Windows 10 version 22H2 and MS Windows 11 version 22H2, which have been fixed in this release.
  • In addition, there are extensions and corrections for MODBUS: Both big and little endian byte order for 16-bit values are supported. Issues have been fixed when processing MODBUS messages, specifically with Responses with Function code 5 (Write single coil) and 6 (Write single register).
  • Many minor improvements ...

For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.22 .

We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

October 2022: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.22.4 released

New with this COMPROTware:Testtool release:

  • CPTT 2.22.4 is adapted to and successfully tested with MS Windows 10 version 22H2 and with MS Windows 11 version 22H2.
  • If, during a slave simulation, no frames for the simulated station are received in the first few seconds but only frames for other stations, a warning is now issued which refers to the other, the simulated station number.
  • Many minor improvements ...

For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.22 .

We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

August 2022: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.22.3 released

For release 2.22.3, we continued the developments we started in the last COMPROTware:Testtool COMPROTware:Testtool release:

  • In the Protocol profile windows, all settings for which a tool tip description is available are additonally marked by a circled small i.
  • An error encountered during initialization of network monitoring or enumeration of network adapters is now reported in the Protocol profile window.
  • With many MODBUS serial and MODBUS TCP/IP Messages, the 16-bit values are now also displayed as binary values.
  • Many minor improvements ...

For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.22 .

We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

May 2022: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.22.2 released

We start in this year with a lot of new things!

The major developments in COMPROTware:Testtool release 2.22.2 are:

  • In all Protocol Profile windows and all Message View Filter windows, the input field values are now checked immediately and if necessary a warning or error description is shown directly under the input field.
  • For all network-based protocols after network monitoring or after libpcap file import, we now present a bunch of statistic values. The received network packets are analyzed and summarized: Statistcs per IP address for sent/received Ethernet frames, sent/received Payload bytes and Payload min/max length are shown. Also per client/server partners the first/last frame date and time, duration, number of sent/received Ethernet frames, sent/received Payload bytes, Payload min/max length are shown.
  • For MODBUS TCP/IP, Master simulation we introduced the Protocol Profile parameter "NumberMaxOfClientTransaction" and changed the Master implementation to comply with the protocol standard.
  • Many minor improvements ...

For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.22 .

Please consider to report us any issue you have seen in CPTT.

We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

December 2021: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.21.6 released

At the end of the year we published another COMPROTware:Testtool release with minor corrections:

  • CPTT 2.21.6 is adapted to and successfully tested with MS Windows 10 version 21H2 (November 2021 update).
  • Also, CPTT 2.21.6 is adapted to and tested with the updated Java distributions [ Eclipse Adoptium Temurin JRE 8, 32 Bit ] and Oracle Java 8u311.
  • For all manually changed IEC 60870-5-103-Messages descr.text, VSQ is now correctly set to 0x81 again.
  • Many minor improvements ...

For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.21 .

We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

November 2021: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.21.5 released

New with this COMPROTware:Testtool release:

  • CPTT 2.21.5 is adapted to and successfully tested with MS Windows 11 version 21H2.
  • The parallel installation of Wireshark 3 and newer (with Npcap) is now supported. Npcap is used by CPTT for network monitoring if available. Important: Before Wireshark 3 is installed, it is strictly recommend to unstall WinPcap.
  • The new Java distribution of the Eclipse Foundation named Adoptium Temurin JRE 8, 32 bit is supported as a further and probably soon the leading Java runtime environment.
  • Many minor improvements ...

For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.21 .

We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

June 2021: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.21.3 released

New with this COMPROTware:Testtool release:

  • IEC 60870-5-101 & -104: Dissector: Many more options for Cause of Transmission-Message Filter.
  • CPTT 2.21.3 is adapted to and successfully tested with MS Windows 10 version 21H1 (May 2021 update).
  • Many minor improvements ...

    For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.21 .

    We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de

    March 2021: COMPROTware:Testtool 2.21.1 released

    For the release series 2.21 for the year 2021 we now published COMPROTware:Testtool 2.21.1.

    Standing out with CPTT 2.21.1: At the beginning of a line a orange marker indicates a warning and a red marker indicates an error. For an error the descriptive text is always shown. For a warning the descriptive text is shown if in Formatting Options the corresponding toggle switch is on.

    More changes:

    • At start resp. end of simulation or monitoring, the protocol profile, statistics etc are shown with Formatting Option "Brief" with limited and with Formatting Option "Full" in full detail.
    • CPTT now is a RIO-Server, too: Without protocol license and without dongle now the in CPTT integrated RIO-Server can be turn on and can be controlled by a remote CPTT.
    • Serial line receiving improved in case of fast, en masse stream of (unexpected non-Frame) characters and of bad parity/bad framing chars.
    • Many minor improvements ...

    For details and to download this release see Product | CPTT | 2.21 .

    We are open to any suggestion or problem report! Please mail us: e-mail cptt@realthoughts.de